Tim Abram Experienced medical diagnostics developer, cross-functional team leader, and hands-on bioengineer passionate about technology development for improving human health

About Me


Rice University


PhD, Bioengineering
HHMI Med-into-grad fellow
Advisor: John T. McDevitt

Dissertation topic: "Development of a 'Cytology-on-Chip' Sensor for Monitoring Potentially Malignant Oral Lesions"

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo


M.S. Engineering with specialization in Biomedical Engineering
Advisor: David S. Clague

Thesis topic: "Electrokinetic sample pre-treatment for electrophoretic separations in blood plasma"

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo


B.S. Biomedical Engineering

Organizations: BMES, University Jazz Ensemble



  • 8 years of experience in developing microfluidic devices from concept to reality through design, testing, prototyping, and fabrication
  • Particular interest in "world-to-chip" interfaces, manifold design,and modular components
  • Experience with PDMS, plastic, laminate, and paper devices

Computer-Aided Design

  • Proficient in workflow environment from sketch to machining via AutoCAD, Solidworks, and MasterCAM
  • Experience in computation fluid dynamics modeling with COMSOL
  • Concept mockup rendering with Blender, KeyShot, and SolidWorks PhotoView 360


  • Major focus on rapid prototyping using processes such as: CNC milling, laser cutting, 3D printing, laminate microfluidics, hot embossing, and vacuum forming
  • Clean-room fabrication experience with stereolithography

Assay Development

  • Mammalian cell culture (2D and 3D), in vitro assays, viability testing
  • Quantitative fluorescence microscopy
  • In vitro diagnostics, immunoassay optimization

Data Mining

  • Experience with with data analysis and machine learning with R, MySQL, Python, MATLAB
  • Data warehousing with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • "High-content-analysis" with biological data (CellProfiler data extraction)

Data Visualization

  • Static graphics with R and Adobe Illustrator
  • Interactive visualizations and dashboards with d3.js and Tableau


Director of R&D

Velox Biosystems

September 2017 - Present

Involved in the continual evolution of Velox's strategic technical direction; Managed collaboration and partnership projects with universities and top diagnostic companies, consistently hitting milestones ahead of deadlines; Preparing the company for Series A fundraising and planning the commercialization roadmap for the first product; Evaluating and selecting contract design and manufacturing partners; working with regulatory consultants to prepare for 510(k) submission.

Senior Engineer

Velox Biosystems

June 2017 - September 2017

As Director of R&D, I was responsible for designing and optimizing microfluidic droplet generator devices, thermocycler control hardware and software, and optical fluorescence detection instrumentation; Oversaw the planning and execution of a multitude of projects related to refining and expanding the capabilities of the Velox core platform technology.

Product Development Consultant

SensoDx, LLC

May 2016 - June 2017

Serving as lead R&D engineer for oral cancer application by participating in internal strategic planning for translation of innovative single-cell analysis technology into commercial clinical analysis system

Designed, built, and tested functional prototypes of a fully-integrated microfluidic device resulting in design requirements documentation for high-volume manufacture

Clinical Researcher

Rice University

June 2010 - May 2016

Collaborated with clinical team and spearheaded the analysis and interpretation of data from a 999-patient clinical trial

Co-authored research and business plan for successful SBIR grant submission, earning PI $4M in non-dilutive funding for technology commercialization

Incorporated big data analytics practices and developed infrastructure to translate single-cell measurements into meaningful insights for quantifying oral cancer risk

Developed numeric index algorithm for monitoring oral lesion severity

Engineering Intern

Proof of Concept, LLC

2009 - 2010

Contracted by Edwards Lifesciences to develop concepts for flexible annuloplasty rings and deployment strategies to allow for future MIS procedures, resulting in an issued international patent (#WO 2012/027500 A2)

Verified equivalent performance of prototypes to traditional solid-core rings through finite element analysis models simulating physiological loading conditions


Cal Poly State University

August 2009 - May 2010

Instructor – “BMED 111 – Biomedical Engineering Calculations”
Developed lectures and course structure for core biomedical course with over 100 freshmen students, created and assigned homework assignments and midterm exams, held regular office hours to assist students; Maintained full teaching course-load while pursuing independent research

Lab Instructor – “BMED 420 – Biomaterials”
Developed lab experiments, advised students on class-based and independent research projects, maintained biomaterial testing equipment, delegated lab assistant responsibilities

Contact Me




(832) 303-9825